Movie Review: Gone Girl (2014)

I first heard about this movie, when I heard that Ben Affleck (my fav actor ❤ ) would be acting in it. Then I found out that its based on a book by Gillian Flynn. I promised myself that I would read the book first and then watch the movie but alas, I couldn’t practice patience. 😛

My friend gave me the movie and I sat and watched the movie, awe-struck, disgusted, and fascinated with the characters. Whoa ! This movie plays with the audience. One minute, you are cheering on Team Amy and then next on Team Nick. And then at the end you find yourself lost, which Team ? :O

Rosamund Pike, as Amy, plays her character with finesse. I loved her voice in her voice-overs, where she describes what is happening. And for a small moment I kind of feel bad for Amy coz Nick cheats on her. But, then she says that she makes her men the way that she wants them to be. I was amazed by Flynn’s character !! A little disgusted, but nevertheless totally amazed !

Ben Affleck, as Nick Dunne, looks as lazy as his character was supposed to be. His character looks totally dumb when compared to his brainier wife.

Neil Patrick- Harris, as Desi, has a totally different role compared to his Barney Stinson “Challenge Accepted” character in the HIMYM series. 😛 He played it really well, but he looks better cracking stupid jokes. 😀 I half expected him to crack a joke in his every scene in the movie.

Carrie Coon, as Margo “Go” Dunne, has done justice to her character. She gave her never- faltering support that her twin brother, Nick needed at his time of need.

A great twisted movie which keeps you guessing till the end. Nick’s last decision totally struck me as contradicting his whole character in the movie. I can’t really expect a sequel. 😛 One of them is surely gonna kill the other. 😛 Now that I think about it, a sequel would be great ! 🙂

I would rate it 4 out of 5. Maybe 3.75. Waiting for a chance to read the book !

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